The origin of the name ‘Peloha’ 

Although the name Peloha had been given in the early 90’s, it was only officially adopted many years later: Most of the documents and files pertaining to the last century were deleted from Patrick’s computers with the exception of a few personal folders, one including correspondence between himself and his Teacher in India. The following is an extract from a letter he had sent to Him after He had hinted at selling the property in order to re-locate. It relates to the origin of the name Peloha and to the unique power points and ley line that exist on it.

The extract:  “When my Air Malaysian flight departed from Madras International Airport at 00:25 on the 4th March this year for Singapore, I was followed by two “strangers” (who had not yet met me) but who were guided to book for and board a Singapore Airlines flight which departed 15 minutes later from the same airport, also destined for Singapore. 

After a 16 hour wait, I boarded another Air Malaysian aircraft for Johannesburg, and 10 minutes later Mary and Alan boarded another Singapore Airlines plane also headed for Johannesburg. Both aircraft spent one and a half hours in Johannesburg before completing the final leg to Cape Town. We landed within 30 minutes of each other.

To cut a long story short: Mary and Alan (from Australia) were in their late sixties/early seventies respectively when they were given the clear guidance in 1999 to sell all that they possessed and to give everything to the poor; keeping only two sets of clothes each. Their entire possessions now fit into a normal airline cabin bag.  They have subsequently been guided to places all over the world, and despite Mary suffering from severe back pain they obey every call.

They were guided to fly directly from central India to Hout Bay to visit this property in order to “purify/sanctify/prepare it”.  When they are called (or rather guided in their early morning meditations), all that they are initially given is where they are needed. They then book air tickets on the first feasible flight to their destination and at the 11th hour, the money for the tickets and travel plans materializes.

They recently were sent to a primitive tribe in central South America, several hundred miles from the nearest airport. When they arrived at the airport, they were befriended by a man who could speak English and who said he needed to travel with them. At 3am on their first morning in South America, it became clear to them that they were being called to a rural tribe 3 days journey into the interior.

When they finally got to their destination (after an arduous journey, which included a long walk by foot), it transpired that the man accompanying them was one of the few people who could speak their language fluently. In meditation it was then revealed to Mary and Alan that the message that was to be conveyed, was that the women were no longer to be suppressed. Through the translator, the Elders were informed that the time had come for the tribal women to be treated as equals, but they were not convinced.

Two nights later in an electrical thunderstorm, the straw and bamboo hut where the women congregated on special occasions was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. And in the gusty conditions that followed, smoldering tinder was blown onto the male hut, which was similarly destroyed. During the course of the next day the tribal chief paid homage to Mary and Alan and indicated that he was prepared to hear what they had come to say.

Having mentioned a little about them I now return to the day we both landed at Cape Town. I was fetched at the airport and taken to Mother’s flat where we settled down to some tea. Just then the phone rang and it was Mary and Alan asking if I could meet them at the airport.  And so it started. I took them home with me to Hout Bay. And as It turned out, both sets of tenants (from the house and the “granny flat”) were just getting ready to move out.

Mary and Alan were settled in the main house and I moved into the cottage that had been built for Mom. After a day or two had gone by, and still under the impression that I was hosting two tourists (albeit special tourists!), I offered to take them for a scenic drive. They declined saying that they had no interest in sightseeing, touring, restaurants or entertainment, stating (for the first time) that they had been guided to South Africa for the specific purpose of purifying/cleansing and blessing what their master/guide refers to as “the first PELOHA sanctuary”.

Being taken by surprise, all I could say was “okay” and enquired who their “master/guide” was, to which they replied “I am that I am that you are”. I then left them in peace. Every day they would be up before sunrise doing fire pujas all over the property and sprinkling vebuti over the entire garden.  In between this “blessing/cleansing” Alan (unasked by me) would spend all of his daylight hours pruning, weeding, re-laying the brick pathway leading to the front door (which the roots from the Plane tree had disturbed), mowing and trimming my lawns and digging compost into the tree beds etc, etc.  They wanted nothing from me, and would pay for all their own groceries etc. The light and the love in their eyes said it all.

At 3am each morning they would sit in meditation and would be given messages for me; but they were instructed that these were only to be passed on to me on the day of their departure. This they did and I enclose a copy of these. In these messages, they were “informed” how this property was to be prepared to become the first “Peloha sanctuary” and that they were to inform me that it was now ready to be used as a place of healing and meditation. 

I mentioned to Mary & Alan that I acknowledged why they had come and what they had done, but I also said that I had my reservations about this as the intention was to sell the property” in order to spend more time with my Teacher. Initially I did not take the whole affair seriously, but too many things have transpired since their arrival that make me wonderÖ.”

Its unique power points:  It was also in the 90’s when the source of the extraordinary energy fields on Peloha were located and qualified by 2 other gifted healers:

The extract from the same letter continues:  Before they left Alan had asked me if I could get some tissue salts for Mary at the local store while he walked to the nearby Post office to dispatch some letters. After the lady assistant had given me these salts, I asked whether she knew of anything that could be taken for electrocution (as the body was still not quite right).   She replied that she could not help me but looked over my shoulder to the man behind me and said, “Maybe he can help you!”. I turned around to see the warm empathetic smile of Jeff Levin who is a world renowned healer and one who had pioneered much of the work on the effects of electro-magnetic radiation. Most importantly his “work/expertise” lies in neutralizing any geopathically induced stress arising from the various electro-magnetic lay-lines or underground streams that can be found on some properties (including this one).

He, his wife and daughter were strongly attracted to the property and were profoundly touched by what they experienced on it. Jeff in particular stood motionless (and totally absorbed) for a long time before Appa’s photograph in (what used to be) the treatment room. When he walked around the garden he (like all who come here) felt it to have a very special presence. He identified all the geographical power points which coincided exactly to those identified over a decade earlier by a psychic who visited the property. He also indicated that in more than one of these “points” there was a stressful component to the “emanation”.

He balanced these by placing several tiny little magnets underneath the earth’s surface in each of these locations, and each time he did this, his daughter and Tinka (who were amiably talking to each other some distance away) would spontaneously and simultaneously gasp and look at each other before looking to where Jeff was working. They all felt an amazing shift in intensity and quality of the energies each time that this was done.”  (End of extract).

Ferdi Rossi:   A 3rd encounter which happened years before the above two incidents related to the late Ferdi Rossi, a psychic and tantric yoga teacher from the Transvaal who Patrick had chanced upon at an exhibition in Cape Town. They had merely exchanged names in an informal introduction, but some weeks later he was contacted telephonically by Ferdi with the request to run a long weekend training course on the property for half a dozen of his students.

Having said “yes” he enquired into the nature of the workshop and was informed that Ferdi was training his students to locate power points and ley lines and to establish their energetic influence on people generally. He went on to say that this property was unique in this regard and that it was worth bringing his students all the way to the Cape for their final training. Out of interest he asked if he could be a silent participant on his course.

At the end of the 4th day all were taken outside onto the front veranda and asked by Ferdi to locate the nearest such point to the front entrance. Without hesitation they all headed straight to the large rock to the east of the paved pathway leading to the front door. They then went on to identify all of the others. What both Mary and Alan had later intuited and what Jeff Levin had first sensed (and then confirmed with his geopathic equipment) all correlated exactly to the power points and ley line identified by Rossi and his students years earlier.
